Cahto tribe of Laytonville Rancheria

Mary Norris—Board MemberMary is a member and the Tribal Chairwoman of the Cahto Tribe of the Laytonville Rancheria. She represents her Tribe as a board member of the Sinkyone Council.

MARY NORRIS Council Member

Mary is Tribal Chairwoman for Cahto Tribe of Laytonville Rancheria. She represents her Tribe as a member of the Sinkyone Council.

Coyote ValleY Band oF Pomo InDIANS

Mary is Tribal Chairwoman for Cahto Tribe of Laytonville Rancheria. She represents her Tribe as a member of the Sinkyone Council.


Melinda is Tribal Vice Chairwoman for Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians. She represents her Tribe as a member of the Sinkyone Council.

Hopland Band of Pomo Indians

Suzanne Romero—Board MemberSuzanne is a member of the Hopland Band of Pomo Indians, and is on the Hopland Tribal Council. She represents her Tribe as a board member of the Sinkyone Council.


Suzanne is Tribal Council Secretary for Hopland Band of Pomo Indians. She represents her Tribe as a member of the Sinkyone Council.

potter Valley tribe

Mariah Rosales—Board Vice ChairwomanMariah is a member of the Potter Valley Tribe. She represents her Tribe as a board member of the Sinkyone Council, where she serves as Vice Chairwoman.


Mariah is a Tribal Citizen of the Potter Valley Tribe. She represents her Tribe on the Sinkyone Council, where she serves as Chairwoman.

REdwooD ValleY Band Of Pomo Indians

Debra Ramirez—Board MemberDebra is a member and Tribal Chairwoman of the Redwood Valley Band of Pomo Indians. She represents her Tribe as board member of the Sinkyone Council.

DEBRA RAMIREZ Vice Chairwoman

Debra is Tribal Chairwoman for Redwood Valley Band of Pomo Indians. She represents her Tribe on the Sinkyone Council, where she is Vice Chairwoman.

Robinson Rancheria of  Pomo Indians

Jaime Boggs—Board MemberJaime is a member of the Robinson Rancheria of Pomo Indians, and is on the Robinson Rancheria Council. He represents his Tribe as a board member of the Sinkyone Council.

JAIME BOGGS Council Member

Jaime is a Tribal Citizen of Robinson Rancheria of Pomo Indians. He represents his Tribe as a member of the Sinkyone Council.

Round ValleY Indian tribes


Michelle is a Tribal Council Member-At-Large for Round Valley Indian Tribes. She represents her Tribe as a member of the Sinkyone Council.

scotts valley band of Pomo Indians

CRISTA RAY Treasurer

Crista is Tribal Council Secretary for Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians. She represents her Tribe on the Sinkyone Council, where she serves as Treasurer.

Sherwood Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians


Stacey is Tribal Council Parliamentarian for Sherwood Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians and represents her Tribe as a Sinkyone Council member.

Sinkyone Council member-at-large

Martha Knight—Board SecretaryMartha is Pomo and became a member of the Sinkyone Council shortly after the Council was established in the mid-1980s. She is the Sinkyone Council’s Board Secretary.


Martha is Pomo, and has been a member of the Sinkyone Council since its founding in the 1980s. She serves as Board Secretary for the Sinkyone Council.

Sinkyone relation and community member

Nóó-nih (black bear) Sinkyone ResidentThis Nóó-nih youngster is an active member of the Sinkyone natural world and sacred ecosystems. Nóó-nih and many others are special relatives, protected through our ongoing work.


This Nóó-nih youngster is a member of the Sinkyone cultural landscape / sacred ecosystems. Nóó-nih and many other relatives are protected through our work.